Westerfield Models now offers an early prototype automobile boxcar, which served Santa Fe. The series of craftsman-level HO-scale kits includes three versions of this 50-foot auto-carrying wood-side boxcar. Pullman built 500 examples in 1924 of this type of boxcar that made up Santa Fe class Fe-Q; another 500 examples with improvements came in 1926 and served as the road’s Fe-R class.

Santa Fe V-Class Automobile Boxcar
A group of 10 cars saw rebuilding in 1934 and became Santa Fe’s Fe-V class. Westerfield Models offers kits for all three of these Santa Fe automobile boxcar prototypes. The unpainted kit provides a single-piece cast-urethane body shell, with supplied separate details, Hi-Tech-made rubber air hoses, and Yarmouth Models bronze corner steps and eyebolts, as well as decals, instructions, and a history of the cars with photos. The base kit lists for $47; visit Westerfield Models for more information.
Westefield Models
P.O. Box 455
Gardnerville, NV 89410