Walthers’ three-bay covered hopper replicating an Evans 4,780-cubic-foot capacity prototype is back with a new production available at your hobby dealer and direct from Walthers. The car serves North American railroads hauling grain and dried distillers grain. The detailed release resides in the hobby manufacturer’s Proto series and comes fully assembled. Details on this model include factory-installed grab irons, see-through etched-metal walkways on the roof and crossover platforms on the ends above the couplers. The model includes accurate side braces and separately applied vibrator brackets on the bottom bay gates.
This group includes Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) examples with molecule logo presented with three car colors: blue, gray, and yellow. Each ADM covered hopper includes UELX reporting marks and comes in four road numbers. The other lease fleet reproduction in this collection is an orange Farmers Cooperative Association of St. Edwards, Neb., with USLX reporting marks. Railroads represented include Boston & Maine (blue with white lettering), and two Missouri-Kansas-Texas offerings (one in Whitman Green with yellow large MKT billboard lettering and the other in gray with small Union Pacific shield and black lettering).
Wm. K. Walthers, Inc