Athearn recently provided a look at three projects now in the works by the hobby manufacturer for future announcement and release. All models in this group are planned for HO and will be high-end Genesis and Genesis 2.0 offerings.

General Electric’s AC4400CW, an AC-traction version of the diesel builder’s Dash 9-44CW (already coming for Athearn’s Genesis 2.0 line) will be announced in the near future. This prototype saw more than 2,800 examples built between 1993 and 2004.

Electro Motive’s SD90MAC is the other diesel project bound for Athearn Genesis 2.0 release. This mid-1990s unit promised roads a 6,000-hp example that started out as 4,300-hp roster member. The concept wasn’t ready and the diesel builder promised upgrading delivered 4,300-hp examples; however, the plan didn’t pan out. Less than 500 examples of the SD90MAC saw construction.

A new passenger car model for Athearn’s Genesis series will be Alstom’s Surfliner bi-level. The cars, owned by Amtrak and Caltrans, went into service two decades ago and follow the design of Amtrak’s popular Superliner passenger cars.
Specifics are not available, but expected to be revealed in the coming months on these three exciting projects coming from Athearn.
Athearn Trains
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