N scale – N — InterMountain Railway Co. announces it will offer a new production of N-scale bi-level auto racks in an arrangement with Fox Valley Models. This original Red Caboose tooling will return from InterMountain Railway with 16 paint schemes.

The assembled bi-level auto racks will feature a die-cast metal underframe, etched side panels, metal wheels, and Micro-Trains couplers and truck sideframes. The coming paint schemes will include BNSF (brown rack with early circle-cross herald and yellow rack contemporary wedge herald), Canadian National (white rack with red “wet noodle” herald), Conrail, CP Rail, CSX, Ferromex (yellow rack with flag herald and silver rack with red logo), Grand Trunk Western, Kansas City Southern (dual herald panels), Norfolk Southern (Thoroghbred herald), Providence & Worcester, Southern Railway, Union Pacific (“Building America” slogan and standard shield herald), and Western Pacific.

ABOVE: Multiple schemes will be offered for select roads. BNSF releases will present this early scheme and you’ll find a contemporary “wedge” logo BNSF offering.
Mulitple road numbers are planned for each paint scheme. Check with your hobby dealer or visit InterMountain Railway online for pricing information and expected delivery date.
InterMountain Railway Co.
P.O. Box 839
Longmont, CO 80502